CSS Implementation Guide for Perfectly Fixing the Footer at the Bottom of the Browser

By utilizing CSS, you can always fix the footer area of a web page at the bottom of the browser. This technique is particularly effective for pages with little content, preventing the footer from floating in the middle of the screen. This guide will show you the steps and provide specific code examples to achieve this

Implementing CSS to Fix the Footer at the Bottom of the Browser

First, let’s look at the CSS required to fix the footer at the bottom of the browser.

  • Set the height of the entire tags (html, body, #idWrap) to 100%.
  • Fix the footer area (#idFooterWrap) at the bottom using bottom: 0px and position: absolute.
<style type="text/css">
/* Reset CSS */
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;

/* Set height for the entire page */
html, body, div#idWrap{

/* Style for content area */
    margin:0 auto;

/* Style for title */

/* Style for paragraphs */
    padding:20px 0 0 0;

/* Fixed display settings for footer area */

HTML Structure to Fix the Footer at the Bottom

Next, let’s check the HTML structure required to fix the footer area. The id=”idFooterWrap” is used to fix the footer area.

<div id="idWrap">
    <div id="idContents">
        <h1>Fix the footer at the bottom of the browser.</h1>
        <p>Try stretching the browser vertically.<br>
        The footer area will always be displayed at the bottom.</p>
    <div id="idFooterWrap"><p>Footer Area</p></div>

Demo Page for Displaying the Footer Fixed at the Bottom with CSS

We have prepared a demo page to verify the actual behavior. Access the link below to check the operation.

CSS Demo for Fixing the Footer at the Bottom of the Browser

Notes and Advice

In web design and development, various plugins and libraries are available. By utilizing these, you can efficiently implement features. However, it is important to verify if a plugin is really necessary and if you understand its mechanism before implementing it. Overusing unnecessary plugins can lead to slower page loading times and unexpected bugs, so choose carefully.

In conclusion, this guide explained how to use CSS to fix the footer area at the bottom of the browser. Utilizing this method, you can create user-friendly web pages.

Use this guide at your own risk. Do not reuse the Google Analytics tag from the demo page tags.